Water human right treaty - Campaign

International Protocol for the human right to water and sanitation

The Campaign Water Human Right Treaty aims engage the States parties to ratify a legal instrument able to realize the human right to water by UN resolution of July 2010 as a universal, autonomous and specific human right , defining binding norms and States’ obligations to achieve the right to water at minimum level to guarantee the dignity of the life. The instrument proposed is a Second Optional to International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights signed by States, which defines on the substantial and the procedural levels, how to achieve the right.

ultima modifica: 20/01/2023 Alma P.
Comitato Italiano Contratto Mondiale sull'acqua - Onlus - logo
Comitato Italiano Contratto Mondiale sull'acqua - Onlus

Via Torino, 77 - 33100 UDINE
Telefono cellulare: 3274293815


