About the campaign

The campaign step by step

Water must contribue to the strengthening of solidarity among people, communities, countries, gender, generations. These water movements with their mobilization have to encourage the international community to recognize the human right to water.

The first phase  of the Campaign “Water Human Right Treaty”from 2015 to 2017 was  to increase awareness raising among organizations and people at national or regional level and to create Support Committees .

The role of these Support Committees were to push a first group of States and the international institutions to open a negotiation process on the proposal of a Second Optional Protocol to the PIDESC on the right to water and sanitation.

The second phase of the Campaign is to verify  an International level and through the Council Committee for Human right if the are the  political condition to support the negotiation’s phase to discuss of the protocol proposal. 

You can check  pdf Here the composition of the Committees the support the Campaign and a report pdf Here  of the principal action realize to support the Water Campaign..

ultima modifica: 20/01/2023 Alma P.
Comitato Italiano Contratto Mondiale sull'acqua - Onlus - logo
Comitato Italiano Contratto Mondiale sull'acqua - Onlus

Via Torino, 77 - 33100 UDINE
Telefono cellulare: 3274293815


